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SV P HB8 copy 2
 Little Star Nelson Mandela visit w LSF VP HB & Pres. AJ in CO to congratulate them on humanitarian
 Little Star. Roger  Federer & Adriana Wimbledon Program to help brain damage patient
Financial Support Programs for children w cancer & severely brain damaged children
 Little Star. Adriana teaching tennis during LSF Hosp Program
 Little Star MFL Program
Paul Newman helps Andrea Jaeger's children's cancer programs in CO AJ_Katie_Paul
Little Star Children's cancer Program takes to the pool Lance_Meghan
Barkley Ambassador
Cindy & Kaia
 Little Star. Riding Program in CO w cancer patients
 Little Star. Program for Disabled & Blind Children. Adriana sharing Victory
Andrea & John
 Little Star. Adriana teaching art to blind students at Little Star sponsored art therapy programs f
 Little Star Arts & Sports Therapy Program for children w life threatening diseases
Disabled and Blind Children Activity Time with Little Star's Adriana & Andrea
 Wimbledon practice. Adriana, Roger Federer, Andrea Jaeger & Stefan Edberg at the Wimbledon practice
Hospital Outreach Support with Little Star
 Little Star. Program for Children with cancer in CA w Sam
Screen Shot 2018-01-08 at 1.32.10 PM_edited
 Little Star. with Pool time Children's Cancer Program. Cody
 Little Star. with Rafa, AJaeger & Little Star Fdtn children's cancer program
Little Star animal therapy programs. Dolphin ride during children's cancer program
 Little Star. with Rider Jessica Springsteen & AJ Equine Therapy Program
 Little Star. with Ropes Course tester Adriana. 0 IMG_9768
 Little Star.. with Special Needs Art Program Adriana teaching art
Hospital care from Little Star 2015-01-22 15.02.17 copy 3
John McEnroe & Little Star
American Ninja Warrior
Kids with cancer group
Maggie & Adriana
Ameican Ninja Warrior
Barkley helping bring Animal love & therapy to LSF Programs
Adriana & Sony with Adriana & AJ trophy to help bring victory to the US in the Nations Cup in Prague
Adriana & AJ Eglin Air Force Base teaching US military children tennis.
Live American Ninja Show
A fan favorite Art T-shirt by Adriana
Little Star Children's cancer Aspen Mountain Group_shot
 Little Star. with Test on Rope Course  completed by Adriana. 9 DSC_0295
Alicia Harding & Michelle Pando. Michelle sitting passed away from ovarian cancer
Ambassadors of Little Star. past child cancer participants
Andrea & Adriana arrive at another pediatric oncology dept to bring cheer, care and support
Andrea helps children on the tennis court
Animal Therapy working with boy afraid of dogs Halloween program
Maggie & Adriana
Andrea Jaeger Wilson racket
IMG_2147 (1) copy
Palm Springs
Animal Therapy Adriana showing participants animal behaviour IMG_0677 (3)
American Ninjas
Cory lost his leg to cancer.
Art Therapy Programs of Little Star taught by Adriana for children with cancer 2015-03-27
Awesome Art Therapy work by Adriana
Angel Birthday
Cindy & Kaia
Bonding at Children's cancer fdtn Tori_Kalen_Liz. JPG
Bringing therapeutic art & learning supplies, & basic living supplies by Adriana to children in need
Children's Council  Pilot Program by Little Star Foundation official announcement
Thank you
Children's Cancer Session with Little Star in CA
Another great day at Little Star 2016-03-25 18.10.39 copy
Children w severe brain injury programs w Adriana & AJ
CO Little Star Equine Therapy Programs
Equine Therapy Programs of Little Star in CO Felicia2_AJ_horse
Cindy Crawford &Kia visiting Little Star children's cancer & Ambassador Programs
England kids program IMG_0018
Gracie love it from LSF children's cancer program FL
Helping teach tennis to kids with diseases program
Friendships made at Little Star children's cancer programs
Getting ready for White water rafting with Little Star
Hospital Program Alicia with cancer & AJ
Important Message in Adriana ART
Children with cancer
IMG_2474 (1)
Int. Hospital Outreach Program
Juv Det Ctr Kids and AJ inside Juv Prison 2
Juv Det Cent_Prison Program. Barkely & Adriana preparing supplies
John McEnroe First donor in 1990 to donate to AJ's Fdtn. taken at Wimbledon Player Area 2015
Juv Det CTR LSF Care Packages for Juvenile Prison
Face painting
John McEnroe & Andrea Jaeger first meet IMG_5805
Lindsay Belt long time Little Star Participant, Ambassador & multiple cancer diagnosis and relapse c
Little Star Ambassador Tripp Robbins is introduced to Sec of State Colin Powell by Andrea
Little Star AJ LA American Idol children's camp session
Little Star Animal learning
Little Star Camp Pool time w cancer children Charon_Karlee
John McEnroe and Andrea Jaeger IMG_5115-1
Little Star Blind and disabled childrens Programs during Wimbledon IMG_0105
Little Star Art Program Director Adriana IMG_0642
Little Star arranges Britney Spears to surprise ovarian child patient.
Little Star children's cancer programs CO AJ_Matt_tennis
Little Star children's cancer programs Ken_swim
Little Star children's cancer Programs Megan_Anabel_Karlee_swim
Little Star Children's Hosp Program FL
Little Star Children's Hospital Tennis with Adriana
Little Star Disney Camp Program for children with cancer
Little Star Juvenile Dtn Cter Program 2016-03-27 Adriana
Little Star Equine Therapy England programs
Little Star Equine rider champion. London, England
Talent Show Little Star Jake_AJ_
Little Star Easter Holiday Program Supplies for Juv Dtn Program  2016-03-27
Little Star Dolphin Swim Junior 1.8
Little Star Disney children's cancer programs IMG_0274
Little Star longtime cancer participants & Ambassador award receipients
Little Star March 2016 Miami Junior 8
 Little Star. with Ropes Course Tester Adriana
Little Star March 2016 Miami Kids Prison Adriana Set up Adriana 1
 Little Star. with Ropes Course tester High Above Adriana.  high above IMG_9798
Little Star meeting dolphins
California program
Little Star NFL Pro Bowl Program
Little Star Orphanage Program Joy 76  copy
Little Star supplies for children with life threatening diseases program
Little Star Program with NFL Tony Romo Pro Bowl 2015JPG
Little Star participants in the water with dolphins
Little Star Participant Alice Ku from NYC Children's cancer programs. Alice has passed on
Little Star Outreach Programs in CA
Little Star Orphanage Program. Ambassador Jovan
Cindy & Kaia with kids
Little Star tennis for all IMG_0111 copy
Little Star water therapy pool fun Jalen_swim
Little Star welcomes children's cancer program in Miami
London Programs AJ, Zac & AS. Zac lost 7 year old twin sister to cancer
Little Star winter children's camp programs. Wyda & Lauren playing in snow
Longtime Little Star cancer patient & Ambaassador Tribb Robbins w multiple cancer diagnosis, wife He
March 2016 Miami Special Needs Program 1 Family Retreat copy
LSF Logo Digital A1
LSF Children's Cancer Programs  Kalen_Karlee_airport
LSF Deputy Director Adriana keeping a watchful on on the children. 2016-03-25
LSF cancer children program in CO
LSF at Wimbledon. Adriana with child with severe brain injury
Nations Cup U.S. Victory w Adriana & Andrea
March 2016 Miami Special Needs Program 2
Novak, Becker & Little Star
Outreach Program in Schools IMG_3028 copy
NYC Little Star Outreach Programs
Outreach Support in Hopsitals
Playa takes in the view in CO
Play Therapy for Children w Cancer & children in Need Children's Cancer
Playa prepares for Little Star training
Peanuts Creator Charles Schulz widow & LSF Supporter, Jean Schulz talks art with Adriana
Outreach Support in schools IMG_3024 copy
Playa tries on hats for Little Star Therapy Programs
Rafa Nadal & Little Star Special Projects Director Adriana Solarova
Ready for Wimbledon Legends match. JPG 2
Rescue dog Barkley practices smiles for the children
Rescue dog Barkley resting for Little Star Animal therapy programs
Rhea - Child cancer participant & 1st FDTN employee. Passed away from cancer
Special Needs Program. Adriana teaching children with special needs art
Service families getting help from Adriana. IMG_8410
Special Animal Therapy Programs 2015-03-29
Serena Williams shows her support of Little Star children w cancer
Roger Federer, AJ bring cheer, care & support to Little Star children's cancer programs
Rhea at her High School graduation with wig on due to her cancer
Spring Florida Children's Program
Stanford University Launch. Jaeger copy
Successful Sports Therapy Programs for children w life threatening diseases
Summer Colorado Children's Cancer Programs IMG_5078
Supporter Paul Newman & AJ
Tennis Cover AJ
Tennis 6
t photo 5 (1)
SV P Meghan K. P copy 2
SV P Maria_gameroom copy
Taking Little Star Programs to the pool Portia_swim
Teamwork. Adriana working with youth IMG_2151
Tennis 5-1
Training session for Animal Therapy Programs
Tripp Robbins welcomes Andrea to Church for Godmother ceremony for baby Samantha 2015-07-19
Wimbledon Adriana sharing her pro tennis talents to chidlren with cacner IMG_0991 (1)
Wimbledon Court 1 2017 Conchita Martinez & Andrea Jaeger selfie Wimbledon Court 1
World Record Tennis Clinic Adriana center helping
Wimbledon Practice. Adriana, Rafa & AJ at Wimb Practice 3
Wimbledon Kids Program Clothes designed by AS
Cute poster board by kids with cancer
 Little Star. with Orphanage Program Thank you hug for Adriana
Wimbledon Court Support
World Record Tennis Clinic. Adriana teaching tennis at world record of children tennis clinic
AJ Programs

Welcome to Little Star !

Our Mission:

To improve the quality of life and provide long term care for children with cancer and children in need, their families and communities.

Founded by professional tennis star and humanitarian, Andrea Jaeger, Little Star Foundation is celebrating its 39th year of Award Winning Programs provided for free to children, families and communities. 


Little Star Foundation's founder, Andrea Jaeger grew up as a young child in the world of professional tennis. Enjoyment and Safety are paramount to the children, families and communities of Little Star Foundation.


For the past 39 years, to ensure the full enjoyment and safety for Program Participants only on rare occasions are Program Event details announced to the general public prior to or during an Event. Additionally, all Staff, Ambassadors and Volunteers are required to participate in strict background checks and continual reviews to participate in

Little Star Foundation Programs.


Little Star Foundation is excited to announce the following with hope you join to:

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Contact Little Star Foundation/Andrea Jaeger


Attn: President Andrea Jaeger

Little Star Foundation

174 Watercolor Way

Suite 103, B343

Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459

For General Inquires

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Founded by pro tennis player Andrea Jaeger. Andrea gave all her pro tennis earnings to help children with cancer and children in need. Little Star Foundation celebrates its 40th year in 2025. Donate to make a difference!

Candid .png

Little Star Foundation is a registered 501(c)3 Non Profit Organization

Federal Identification Number (EIN) 86-0947944

Privacy Policy: Little Star Foundation respects the privacy interest and preferences of our donors and website visitors. We will not share or sell a donor or website visitor’s information with anyone else, nor send donor or website visitor mailings on behalf of other organizations. 

Annual Reports provided by contacting

© 1985-2025 Little Star Foundation

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